Presented by Rebel Haunt Theatre in Partnership with the Port Moody Arts Centre as part of their Art 4 Life Exhibition.
October 15 @ 7pm, October 17 @ 2pm, and October 18 @ 2pm
At the Port Moody Arts Centre 2425 St. Johns Street, Port Moody BC. Phone 604 931 2008
Tickets $12 adults, $5 13 years and under. Available at the Port Moody Art Centre.
She BeganTo Cross The Sky is a brand new original Rebel Haunt production created by Sarah Dixon and Julia Siedlanowska. Director Sarah Dixon and performer Julia Siedlanowska present a charming tale about young Josette and her magical journey on a highwire across the heavens. In every moment of of it’s brief half hour, She Began To Cross The Sky looms large to remind us that even our most naive, childlike creative passions and impulses have within them the same beauty and scope as the universe itself!
In Dixon and Siedlanowska’s magical tale, brave little Josette refuses to submit to the banal demands of her mother and teacher, and seeks adventure on her highwire. Setting fourth to explore the heavens, she finds herself transformed into a little bird who must use her wits and courage to change the cosmos.
In Rebel Haunts Theatres Micro-Epic tradition She Began To Cross The Sky links the immediate with the eternal, and creates a vast universe with very little.
Dixon and Siedlanowska have worked together in a variety of productions over the years, and they share the bond of artists who have repeatedly braved the stage in all its fearsome wonder!